Then, with Git GUI Client clone official repo from github to your PC: Then, download any normal git client, like: SmartGit, or SourceTree, or GitKraken About client side, it's not so easy at all, because client-side managed by 1 guy, and better if author of client-side will answer buy himself.Ībout "how make your own server-side" which you will be able to update.įirst of all watch the video, to understand theory. Just start with what you have, be sure, after some research how is configured, you will understand what setting is for, and when you decide to make your own server, you can always use rAthena folder from the pack as real example and compare with rathena taken from github repository to avoid mistakes or errors. But for now i don't have a time for that. git folder and portable git client, who knows. Maybe in next versions and updates (not soon) i will add raw git repository with hidden. so how to patch my client with newer content? tq i hope u understand me im not good in english so how can i automatically update my offline server too simultaneous with it? also with my client, i assume something like 'patching' to update client if server is update. like for example new update is implement in rathena server github. i've been learning quite abit about server and client but 1 thing im abit confused is that how to update my server/client. that is playing by myself and also with few of my friends. im also learning how to make server myself but i only interested in playing offline. Now you can click on different tabs and edit your items \ etc in GUI (see screenshot below under spoiler)ītw, you can set even much more settings for your database if you will extract your lua files from f and will load lua files to "Lua Settings" window (see screenshot below) (just to save all options and manipulations which you have done with SDE)ĭone. Then, do not forget to change Client Encoding and Server encoding to use always Korean characteres insteed of broken cp1251, or cp1252 encoding. Then, you need set for SDE where is located your Lua Files (it's item description for ro items), in my case see screenshot Btw, you can right click on grf and change order for loading grfs in that field Then, you need drag'n' drop with next priority grfs to Resources files folder. Server DB path depends on your mechanic (RENEWAL (runserver.bat) or PRE_RE (runserver_PRERE.bat)) you enter path via browse icon to your rathena items, in my case i'm using RE database, and as you see i have path to db/re/ files What do you see on screen please check for "numbers in cyan squares"? Hye Anacondaqq =) thanx for your post, for editting the database using server database editor what folder/path should i choose to edit the item?