This Sims 4 reshade preset adds a lot of color and brightness to the game.

This preset also comes with some extra settings that you can apply. Here are some of the best Sims 4 reshade presets 1. Now, your game will look completely 3D and incredibly realistic. Some effects are on toggle so you’ll be able to turn them on and off. Pixelore Drama This simmer has created a preset for ReShade that we just love It’s called Drama and it includes ambient lighting, lots of bloom, and most importantly, depth of field. S-Drama is a lightweight preset, with all the colour information contained in a bespoke multilut. Once in-game press Shift+F2 and choose my preset. Diverse: S-DRAMA ReShade preset Picture Amoebae.This is important for the preset to work properly. a reshade preset reshade 4.9.1 download this version of reshade here shaders installed: I have Quint Shaders installed as well as OtisFX. Run the game and make sure you have turned off edge-smoothing and post-processing effects in options.But its entirely possible that you wont get good results with Reshade no. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4\Game\Bin (or wherever your game is installed) and place the preset ( better_things_preset.ini file) that you are going to download. You might also find a recommended preset for people with lower-end computers.Download the latest version of Reshade 3.0 from the official web-site here.A rather simple yet pretty Reshade preset for TS4 that you may find suitable for both gameplay and taking screenshoots.